Interview with UCB student and a torture survivor protesting Yoo at UC Berkeley Law Graduation

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Pacifica Radio's KPFA Flashpoints program 5-29-08 Activist Nation segment journalist Joe Tougas interviews 25 year old Kelly; one of two UC Berkeley students protesting John Yoo with a banner inside the Law School 5-17-08 graduation ceremony pictured here. Also interviewed on John Yoo is El Salvadorian torture survivor Carlos Mauricio who also protested.

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(Photo montage above of two UC Berkeley students at the graduation raising a banner on the bottom and on top, an airplane banner that circled over the graduation.)

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This page contains a single entry published on June 1, 2008 1:58 PM.

Video of powerful UC Berkeley Law School Graduation FIRE JOHN YOO! Protest from 5-17-08 was the previous entry in this blog.

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