TEARS and FCCB Participate in Anti-Torture Month

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Read an Op-Ed piece by Louise Specht describing why it is important to continue to take action to stop the use of torture even as we wait to see how the national political situation will unfold.

Read more about FCCB's TEARS Ministry Team which works on anti-torture issues.

A bold new banner outside the church proclaims "First Congregational Church of Berkeley Says Torture is a Moral Issue." during the month of June. We are marking Anti-Torture Month by participating in the NRCAT (National Religious Campaign Against Torture} Banners Across America project. Congregations in Berkeley and all over the US are flying these banners this June, a powerful nationwide witness against torture.

Take a look at other banners that have been put up across the country by various faith communities as part of NRCAT's banner project.

Read and listen to an interview with The Rev. Richard Killmer, Executive Director of NRCAT, by the Christian Science Monitor.

Read the text of Louise Specht's "Moment for Mission" about Torture Awareness Month, which she shared in the June 8 worship service.

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