Anyone else having an odd need to have a t-shirt printed up with the word "Youngstown" on it in large letters, getting a plane ticket to Berkeley and walking around campus?

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Mark Danner, Author of Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib, and the War on Terror and UC School of Journalism professor, on John Yoo's shoddy scholarship:

So in order to argue that in essence these are nonpolitical arguments, these are simply lawyers telling you what they believe, it seems to me you have to have at least a mildly convincing argument that the legal homework has been done. And if you look at these documents, as far as I can tell, the legal homework hasn't been done. What they are doing is arguing very strongly a particular position in the guise of giving you a neutral legal opinion...

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This page contains a single entry published on September 14, 2008 3:33 PM.

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