"We Won't Live in a Torture State!"

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The Church at Ocean Park,
Santa Monica

Social Public Arts Resource Center (SPARC)
a non-profit art gallery and community space - located in Venice, CA


OK, L.A. - It's our ( http://worldcantwait-la.com ) turn now.  War criminal John Yoo, architect of the infamous torture memos, will begin teaching at Chapman University School of Law in Orange County next month.  Contact us if you'd like to join in planning creative protests when he comes to our area.  Let's carry forward the work done in Berkeley to demand that he be fired and disbarred.  Can we be silent while these war criminals leave the Bush administration and enter civil society?  Read more at FireJohnYoo.org. 

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on December 16, 2008 9:30 AM.

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