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Support the Peace and Justice Commission Recommendation that the Berkeley City Council adopt the following resolution:

 1) Contact Carlos Villareal, Executive Director of the San Francisco Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild at carlos@nlgsf.org and communicate that the City of Berkeley wishes to be listed amongst the signers of the Call to Investigate Professor John Yoo, which is a letter to University of California Chancellor Robert Birgeneau; and

2) The City should state that no student of U.C. Berkeley should be required to choose between taking a course with Professor John Yoo or waiting another semester to take and complete a required course. If the Law School is to permit Professor Yoo to teach non-elective courses, the school should make available to students the opportunity to take these non-elective courses with another professor during the same semester so as to assure students are not sanctioned or delayed in their fulfillment of non-elective courses due to their distaste for taking a class with someone who wrote memoranda that authorized the use of pain, violence and degrading treatment as a method of treatment of persons held in U.S. custody; and

3) Ask the U.S. Attorney for Northern California to bring charges of war crimes against John Yoo, now teaching in the City of Berkeley at U.C. Berkeley School of Law; and

4) Send another letter in February, 2009 to the then-Attorney General of the United States asking him/her to bring charges of war crimes against John Yoo, if such charges have not yet been brought; and

5) That a letter be sent to the President of the University of California, the Chancellor of U.C. Berkeley and the Dean of U.C. Berkeley School of Law incorporating the language of the above recommendations and advising them of the City's position.

Public Hearing Monday, December 8

2134 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way

City Council Meetings begin at 7:00 PM

Before that date, write and call Berkeley City Council Members to show your support for recommended actions against John Yoo, Legal Advisor to the Bush administration and author of memos giving the green light for torture:


Tom Bates


(510) 981-7100


District 1

Linda Maio


(510) 981-7110

District 2

Darryl Moore


(510) 981-7120

District 3

Max Anderson


(510) 981-7130


District 4

Jesse Arreguin


District 5

Laurie Capitelli


(510) 981-7150


District 6

Susan Wengraf



District 7

Kriss Worthington


(510) 981-7170


District 8

Gordon Wozniak


(510) 981-7180



The Mayor and Council Members may be reached by mail at: 2180 Milvia Street, Berkeley, 94704.

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