U.S. has a duty to prosecute war crimes

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"issuing preemptive pardons to government torturers would be an unambiguous and blatant violation of our obligations under the Convention [Against Torture]." -

by Glenn Greenwald, Salon, February 15 2009

UPDATE:  Citing numerous leading international law authorities, Valtin has an excellent discussion of the obligations the U.S. has to criminally investigate Bush crimes, not only under the Convention Against Torture but also under the Geneva Conventions.   If we don't consider ourselves bound by the treaties we sign, we should just say so and abrogate them.  Those demanding criminal immunity for Bush officials are advocating that we can and should violate our treaty obligations; they really ought to be honest about it.

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This page contains a single entry published on February 16, 2009 10:25 AM.

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