Five Stories
From Britain's Guantanamo
by Andy Worthington  Â
2.4.09 I am a 42-year old married man with two children, who has lived in this country for almost 18 years. 2.4.09 My name is Hussain Al-Samamara. I'm Jordanian, and I'm 33 years old. I'm a husband and I'm a father. I'm a brother and a son. I'm a friend and I'm an artist. But I am not a terrorist. 1.4.09Â You know me as Amer Makhlulif, because I have been arrested, but never charged, as a threat to the national security, and I was therefore afraid to disclose my real name for fear of threats. Amer Makhlulif was the name given me by the immigration officer when I sought asylum in the UK, as he... 1.4.09 They call me BB. I can't tell you my real name. I'm an Algerian and I've been in this country since 1995. 1.4.09 They call me Y. But I am more than a letter. I am a man. I'm Algerian, and am 39 years old.Detainee Z
I was detained in September 2005 under immigration powers, and I have been informed, to my surprise, that I am a threat to national security. Until now I have not been told what the allegation is...Hussain Al-Samamara
To be honest with you I don't know how I got here. This was never meant to happen ..Detainee BB
I'm 43 years old. I live with my wife and three children. I've got two girls and one boy -- he's only three. The bail conditions I'm under apply to me, but in reality...Detainee Y
It's been such a long time since I experienced "normal life."
My story is a bit confusing to follow. I'll keep it simple.
I came to the UK because of its impressive human rights record...