Challenge to Dean Edley

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FIRE JOHN YOO! - 48Berkeley Law Commencement, Spring 2008                                              photo by Dan Jung/SF Chronicle 

Why are you (Berkeley Law Dean Christopher Edley) protecting John Yoo, one of the legal architects of torture, indefinite detention, and other crimes against humanity? What message is sent to the world when Boalt Hall's dean allows Yoo to teach after his criminal deeds have been revealed to the world?

War Criminals Watch:
No Sanctuary From Prosecution!

Friday April 10
Dean Christopher Edley 
In Conversation with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer
(following Justice Breyer's lecture on international law)

Lecture begins 4:30 PM **
Chevron Auditorium, International House
2299 Piedmont, Berkeley, CA  94720

World Can't Wait and Fire John Yoo invite you to join us at the International House starting at 3 PM.  Stand up to say that we refuse to be silent in the face of torture, and that we refuse to accept UC complicity with this great crime by harboring a principle legal architect of the current Torture State.

** From the (Berkeley Law) calendar, where tickets are already "sold out":
"Doors will open at 3:30 PM. Audience members must be in their seats by 4:15 PM. Open seats at that point will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Guests must present their Acteva confirmation page and a picture ID upon arrival."

UC and Berkeley Law/Boalt Hall alumni and current students are especially welcome to join in delivering this anti-torture message.  Let UC know where you stand - and what you will not support (i.e., complicity with crimes against humanity and war crimes).  

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on April 9, 2009 11:56 AM.

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covering up for torture, part 1: Leon Panetta is the next entry in this blog.

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