another war criminal finds home in academia

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Alberto Gonzales, former U.S. attorney general, expected to teach at Texas Tech University

Alberto Gonzales, who resigned as the Bush administration's embattled attorney general nearly two years ago, has lined up a fall-semester teaching spot at Texas Tech University, the university confirmed today.

Gonzales, who was Gov. George W. Bush's lawyer, Texas secretary of state and then a Texas Supreme Court justice before joining Bush in Washington, will be working in the university's political science department, teaching a "special topics" course on contemporary issues in the executive branch, according to Dora Rodriguez, a senior business assistant in the department.

I'm trying to reach Gonzales as well.

He recently told The Houston Chronicle that he wanted to re-settle in Houston or Austin and work on a book recapping his ups and downs by Bush's side. "You serve and you move on," he's quoted saying here.

He also disputed reports he was having a hard time finding work, saying he's working as a consultant, giving speeches and doing arbitration work as a lawyer. He said then that his dream job would be baseball commissioner.

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