"This is your horrible,
dystopian future: John Yoo, the former Office of Legal Counsel official who had
a hand in crafting the Bush administration's detentions, interrogations and
warrantless surveillance abuses, writes endless and endlessly misleading defenses
of himself. Some people die because of Yoo's cavalier relationship with the law
-- about 100, actually -- and others get law school
sinecures and limitless op-ed real estate to explain away what they did. Few
people write so much for so long with so little self-reflection. You'll be
reading these op-eds in the nursing home. Yoo's latest comes in response to Friday's report from five inspectors general about the warrantless
surveillance and data-mining escapades of the Bush administration. Welcome
to your future... - Spencer
Ackerman, The Washington Independent
the legacy of Boalt Hall?
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