"You have the power to hold your leaders accountable." - Obama in Ghana, July 14, 2009...

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He's right. We demand an end to detention without charge.

An Obama administration task force set up to develop a plan for the closure of the U.S. detention facility at Guantánamo Bay will miss its first deadline this week--and put off a key report until the fall--amid continued divisions over how to resolve one of the president's thorniest policy dilemmas.      

The task force, set up on Obama's second day in office, was charged with preparing a report to the president by Tuesday, July 21, outlining a long-term detention plan for detainees captured in counterterrorism operations after Sept. 11. But continued debate within the task force over the legal basis for holding detainees who are not charged with any crimes--and where to house them once they are moved from Guantánamo--has forced the task force to postpone its report by a "few months," a senior administration official told NEWSWEEK...

see Obama's Gitmo Task Force Blows Its Deadline

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This page contains a single entry published on July 20, 2009 3:26 PM.

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