Death findings blacked out of CIA report

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WASHINGTON, Aug. 25 (UPI) -- Three detainee deaths and several detainee disappearances were blacked out in the CIA inspector general's report, an ex-official who read the full report says.

ABC reported the unnamed former senior intelligence official said the public version of the report did not contain the inspector general's findings on the three deaths, two of which reportedly occurred in Iraq and the third in Afghanistan.

Findings on a fourth death were included in the report, the U.S. television network said. A CIA contractor was convicted of assault in that case and is serving a prison term.

Findings on several detainee disappearances were also blacked out, the official told ABC.

Of the 109 pages in the report, 39 were "redacted," or blacked out, for security reasons.

The 2004 inspector general's report, which covered CIA interrogations only from Sept. 11, 2001, to 2003, was made public under court order in a Freedom of Information Act suit.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, after Monday's release of the edited report, expanded the mandate of a special counsel to include a preliminary review of some interrogations. Under U.S. Justice Department guidelines, which mirror the lapse independent counsel statute, a preliminary inquiry is necessary before a full-scale investigation is conducted.

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