Torture's chain of command

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U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay says investigation into alleged criminal CIA interrogation techniques must go right to the top political level:

Any torture or death inflicted on suspects held by U.S. authorities in places including Bagram detention centre in Afghanistan should be part of this investigation, she said.

Asked whether it should go beyond establishing the criminal liability of CIA interrogators, Pillay replied: "That is international law on accountability -- that you do not stop at the foot soldiers, you go right up to the ultimate authority that is legally responsible."

"And these would include those who devised the policy, those who ordered it."

Is this how self-sovereign citizens of a democratic republic treat prisoners?  Yes, It is.  Is it proper for us? Absolutely not. -  Seattle Buddhism ExaminerDavid Parker


VIDEO: Carlos Watson hosts Daphne Eviatar and Scott Horton in a discussion of the CIA IG report released Monday (8/24/2009) in a discussion aired on MSNBC on Tuesday (8/25/2009).

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This page contains a single entry published on August 26, 2009 10:57 AM.

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International Tribunal Takes Up Case of Innocent Victim of CIA Extraordinary Rendition Program is the next entry in this blog.

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