RAW STORY: Holder tapping John Durham to probe CIA interrogations

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"Responsibility for the torture program cannot be laid at the feet of a few low-level operatives," read a Center for Constitutional Rights statement on the matter. "Some agents in the field may have gone further than the limits so ghoulishly laid out by the lawyers who twisted the law to create legal cover for the program, but it is the lawyers and the officials who oversaw and approved the program who must be investigated."

"Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has decided to appoint a prosecutor to examine nearly a dozen cases in which CIA interrogators and contractors may have violated anti-torture laws and other statutes when they threatened terrorism suspects, according to two sources familiar with the move," Carrie Johnson reports in a developing Washington Post story.

According to Johnson, "John Durham, a career Justice Department prosecutor from Connecticut," is being tapped "to lead the high-stakes inquiry, added the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the process is not yet complete."

The New York Times reports, "President Obama does not intend to voice his preference for whether anyone is prosecuted from prisoner abuse cases, a White House spokesman said Monday, and will allow Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to make the decision."


meanwhile, Rendition of Terror Suspects Will Continue Under Obama

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This page contains a single entry published on August 24, 2009 11:32 AM.

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