On August 9, World Can't Wait activists across the country were privileged to be in on an hour long conversation with Andy Worthington, author of theGuantanamo Files and numerous articlesexposing the abuse and torture of those the U.S. has designated "enemy combatants" and beyond the reach of any law. The conversation ranged from the origins of systematic torture at the very beginnings of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, to the significance of the continued denial of habeas corpus rights to the prisoners caught in the U.S. dragnet, to the ways in which the Obama administration is continuing, with slight modification, the policies of the Bush Regime towards the Geneva Convention and the treatment of prisoners snared in its war of terror. Listen here to the conversation with Andy. |
View from Guantanamo:
A Conversation with Andy Worthington
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The President's Executioner
Detention and torture in Guantanamo