'Law & Order' episode tackles accountability for Torture...

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C/o AfterDowningStreet: Go HERE and click on Season 20, Episode 1, "Memo from the Dark Side." You can then watch it on Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, or iReel. Thanks David! 

"Memo From the Dark Side"

Episode Synopsis: LAW & ORDER Season 20 Premiere "Memo From the Dark Side" - The body of a young war veteran is found in a parking garage and the murder is connected to a law professor who used to work for the Department of Justice. 

Ever timely, the durable crime drama kicks off its 20th season with a question raised in the post-Bush Administration era: Should lawyers who green-lit harsh interrogation tactics in the War on Terror face charges for legitimizing torture? The murder of a veteran puts the issue on trial, with McCoy and Cutter on opposing sides of the debate.

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