"Museum of Torture" a big part of protest outside White House

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On October 5, World Can't Wait joined with Cindy Sheehan and others from National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, Witness Against Torture, Activist Response Team, Vets for Peace, Code Pink in a protest of about 500 people in front of the White House. Former Colonel Ann Wright and Medea Benjamin joined us directly from a flight back from Afghanistan and spoke about the conditions there.

Watch video:

We brought the "Museum of Torture" and displayed for the media a little taste of the crimes still being carried out in our names. 61 people were arrested in an act of civil disobedience, after chaining themselves to the fence of the White House (many wearing orange jumpsuits). It was a very eye-catching display, attracting media coverage:

Washington Post  Free Speech Radio News  CBS    UPI   CNN   David Swanson: We Were Arrested for Speaking  ABC  WIBW

While the administration held a press conference outside about healthcare, we marched to the fence and chanted as loud as possible " Stop the Torture State!" and "Healthcare not Warfare!" Robert Gibbs' first question, because of this noise, was about why we were out there protesting. He answered, "that's the first I heard there wereprotesters."

The whole debate over the war and occupation needs to shift. This isn't about a "new strategy." It's about an illegitimate, 
immoral war that needs to end as soon as possible; not expanded in a surge of troops or drones. 

What we need is a surge of resistance. Join us in the streets in righteous protest against these continuing crimes. 

Whether or not you can join us in the streets, please 
donate today. This is actually the most crucial political act you can make right now. Read some of the statements people have sent here.

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This page contains a single entry published on October 6, 2009 12:12 AM.

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