Guantánamo Files: interviews with former prisoners and their lawyers

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Special note to the Berkeley anti-torture community:

Author Andy Worthington comes to Berkeley for a premiere of a new Spectacle Production film, "Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo", November 10 at 7 PM, North Berkeley Senior Center, and a book signing event at Revolution Books the following night,

Andy reports here on his tour so far.


"The Guantánamo Files is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand how Guantánamo came to be the torture chamber of the United States. This comprehensive and well-researched exposé reveals the stories of the many tragic men and boys who were picked up after 9/11 by, or at the direction of, the US government, and also clearly demonstrates the frightening and unchecked power of the Bush administration and the failures that have followed on from its miserable, inept and criminal policies. Perhaps most disturbing, from a personal point of view, is the author's unraveling of the US government's manipulation of classified information, not to protect national security, but in a vain attempt to hide the truth about Guantánamo. The fact that the prison's real story has been ignored by our corporate media, by politicians on both sides of the aisle and, most distressingly, by the judiciary, makes this book an important historical contribution to this dark period. If the US happens to survive this episode of cruelty and lawlessness, The Guantánamo Files will be an important tool for coming to grips with how we as a nation allowed indefinite detention without charge, extraordinary rendition and torture to become national policies."

- Candace Gorman, lawyer for two Guantánamo prisoners and advisor to War Criminals Watch.

additional voices from Guantanamo:

ACLU representatives traveled to the UK to interview five former Guantánamo prisoners: Moazzam Begg and Omar Deghayes (both featured in above film), plus Bisher al-Rawi, Ruhal Ahmed and Shafiq Rasul (the latter being two of the "Tipton Three," featured in the 2006 film "The Road to Guantánamo"). Listen to their stories here.

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