While hopes of meeting President Barack Obama's January 2010 deadline for closing the camp have ended, Mr Olsen and other US officials have been meeting at secure locations to try to resolve the outstanding cases. The BBC's Jon Manel met him on the car journey from Washington DC to northern Virginia. listen in here |
Judges abdicate responsibility for torture cases to Guantanamo Review Task Force
Three judges on the federal trial court hearing challenges brought by Guantanamo prisoners are calling on Congress and the Obama administration to enact a law to address one of the nation's most perplexing moral and legal dilemmas: When can the United States indefinitely detain terrorism suspects?
UPDATE: Justice task force recommends about 50 Guantanamo detainees be heldÂ
Determination of guilt or innocence now a "government deliberation"
Matthew G Olsen heads the US task force deciding the fate of the remaining detainees at Guantanamo Bay.
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Detention and torture in Guantanamo