saying it don't make it so - whether that is "the US does not torture"...

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or "No Facility more humane than Gitmo".

Network news promotes distortions of reality when it does not challenge blatant lies, like senator Lieberman's interview on ABC today: 

Of course, it doesn't help when false statements come directly from the top: 

In describing efforts to send some detainees home or to third-country hosts, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters, "More of those transfers have taken place in the past eight months than have taken -- than took place in the previous eight years."

In fact, in the last eight months, 31 detainees had been transferred from Guantanamo to other countries. In the eight years before that, more than 520 detainees were sent home or to third countries. 

Gibbs also claimed that the White House has complied with all court orders to release detainees who won their habeas petitions in U.S. courts. See Say What? White House Errs on Guantanamo Facts. 

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