An Inferno of Yoo Headlines over past 48 hours Reveal Rising Public Anger and Consciousness

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Where's Dante when you need him? The Inferno's epic vision of Christian Hell's violence and poetic genius is actually a political allegory and political critique. For several days, this trend emerging in reporting on John Yoo in the blogosphere is beccoming increasingly traumatic and angry. As the webmaster of, I have been trying to read every headline and scan all the unique articles on Yoo in the mainstream media and online for some time now. From Mainstream media to the littlest bloggers - in regard to the way the validation and vindication of Yoo and the rest of the Bush war and torture team - there is a growing consciousness, impatience and disillusionment with the lack of dignity, integrity and justice from the White House, the Justice Department, Congress, the Senate and the Supreme court in spite of John Conyers proposing his hearing to whitewash this with his Congressional 'good cop / bad cop' game with Pelosi.

The actual blog posts represent a variety of accuracy and quality in line with the breadth of writing professionalism on the net. Scanning the last 300 articles on my John Yoo google alerts news feed from the last 48 hours, here is a sampling of headlines which tell the story in themselves.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on February 22, 2010 4:55 PM.

YOO ON TOUR (WATERBOARDING 2), a John Yoo Poem by Bill Costley was the previous entry in this blog.

Boalt Alliance to Abolish Torture (BAAT) press release is the next entry in this blog.

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