a chronology of torture-related events: putting Yoo and Bybee's memos in their proper context

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"...there is a deeper question in play here: Why were they really asked to render these opinions in the first place?" - Charlotte Dennett 

 "Charlotte Dennett is trying to awaken the conscience of the nation. She wants us to recognize not just that our government officials at the highest level--the president and the people around him--have committed war crimes, but that they should be prosecuted as we prosecute ordinary criminals. She has been carrying this campaign forward with extraordinary persistence and courage, demonstrating that grassroots action can be powerful. Her book is a clarion call for the people to confront the crimes of government, for democracy to come alive."
--Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States

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This page contains a single entry published on February 6, 2010 1:13 AM.

Will Obama's mentor respond to John Yoo's attack on his former student? was the previous entry in this blog.

dissenting opinion of torture case: "utter subservience to the executive branch" is the next entry in this blog.

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