February 7: final program of Botero exhibit

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Fernando Botero: The Abu Ghraib Series


Abu Ghraib 66, 2005; oil on canvas; 13 x 12 5/8 in.; gift of the artist. Photo: Sibila Savage.

Gallery Talk

February 7, 2010; 3:00 p.m.

Nandini Iyer, Alexa Koenig, and Daniel Marcus
Gallery 6

Representing a range of perspectives relevant to Fernando Botero's Abu Ghraib series, three accomplished graduate students from diverse disciplines will converse with the audience and each other in this final public program celebrating the exhibition. Nandini Iyer, J.D. candidate at Boalt School of Law; Alexa Koenig, Ph.D. student in jurisprudence and social policy at Boalt; and Daniel Marcus, Ph.D. candidate in the history of art, will bring their research and expertise to bear in what promises to be an engaging and enlightening discussion.

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