message to Boalt Hall: OPR whitewash of Yoo's actions will not stand, protests will continue

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Far from "clearing" John Yoo's crimes, the report reveals new evidence that Yoo engaged 
in intentional professional misconduct, to say the least.

Read law school dean Edley's statement in today's Berkeley Daily Planet, where he 
exposes his own vague notion of "morality".
Better yet, read Kenneth Theisen's piece in the same paper,
Then decide for yourself: will you allow an advocate for torture to further his agenda?

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This page contains a single entry published on February 25, 2010 9:32 AM.

cracking open Congress' role in Torture was the previous entry in this blog.

NYTimes calls for real accountability for Yoo and Bybee's actions, is the next entry in this blog.

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