how far is Berkeley Law willing to go to protect John Yoo?

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University of Denver Professor Alan Gilbert jokes that perhaps it should be renamed the "School of Pretence at Law"*:

Mr. Yoo is, perhaps, a smart and dignified teacher.  But he might pray that no legal proceeding ever gives him a "grade" for his illegal and immoral truckling to Mr. Cheney.  Law students have a conscience and awareness and  perhaps even the expedient of keeping the class location secret - along with threats of punishment for "disruption" (heaven forbid that Berkeley law students should be concerned about the US government's policy of torture; they are only will not protect Yoo from protest.

*Professor Gilbert's assessment is actually not far from that expressed in a statement by the Federalist Society at Boalt Hall that the school's curriculum is taught "as if it were the law". Society leader John Yoo is particularly adept at selecting legal opinions which conform to his own extreme views and ignoring inconvenient precedent. 

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