Yoo Watch: Orange County, CA

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On March 23 John Yoo returned to Chapman University for a debate with former 
congressman Bob Barr. This Federalist Society event reportedly marked the end 
of his book tour for "Crisis and Command"; see Yoo believes the President should 

The following day he appeared at The Sports Club in Irvine... human 
rights activist Sharon Tipton reports: 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Sharon Tipton
Sent: Mar 24, 2010 5:57 PM 
Subject: Report: Protest John Yoo Irvine March 24 

I told John Yoo he was a Wanted Man and handed him his Wanted Poster.

I registered for the debate between Bob Barr and Yoo, but when someone saw the John Yoo wanted poster, asked me if I was going to be disruptive. I said, No, not since I forgot my handcuffs to make a citizen arrest on Yoo, at which point I was asked to leave, but not before I gave Yoo his wanted poster, and handed out some of the 25 posters and 50 flyers on innocent victims of Yoo. I also gave a flyer to Mr. Barr, and shook his hand. In addition, Dean stood outside with his "Torture is Immoral" banner from National Religious Campaign Against Torture. After I joined him, we chanted John Yoo is a War Criminal, America Bless God Stop Torture, and I recited the crimes of John Yoo: instrumental in forging the illegal war against Iraq which killed one million Iraqis, including 500,000 children. Etc.

Kicking myself for missing a photo op of Yoo next to his Wanted Poster.
Thanks for Everyone's Support! Next time, we'll be really prepared. Nuremberg wants you, Mr. Yoo!

Sharon Tipton

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