Alliance for Justice: Call for Investigation of Missing Torture Emails

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When the OPR report was released many claimed that it vindicated John Yoo and others, but regardless of OPR's conclusion about the lawyers' ethical conduct, the report adds to the mounting evidence that warrants a full-scale investigation of those who ordered, designed, and justified torture.

The report also contained a shocking revelation: most of "torture memo" author John Yoo's emails had been deleted and could not be reviewed by OPR investigators. Also "missing" are the July and August 2002 emails of OLC attorney Patrick Philbin, who was reviewing Yoo's work that summer while he drafted the two most notorious "torture memos."

Deleted emails are almost always recoverable--and any intentional deletion or other destruction of emails that are material to an ongoing investigation would raise serious questions of obstruction of justice.

Act now to urge Attorney General Holder to investigate, using all of the tools at the Department of Justice's disposal, of the missing emails.

Write to Attorney General Holder NOW!

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