Department of Justice's "cleaner": David Margolis

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"Over the past two years, I have consistently been told by insiders at Justice that an elaborate game was played to try to slow down or block the OPR's report. Efforts were made to pressure OPR to rewrite its report, to adopt softer standards, to allow Yoo and Bybee to respond internally, and to require OPR to address the responses. I was told that one man was consistently behind these tactics: David Margolis. So, far from being an objective and impartial analyst, Margolis became engaged in the process at least by the fall of 2008, as an advocate for Yoo and Bybee and opponent of OPR." - Scott Horton

David Margolis (center) accepting the Mary C. Lawton Lifetime Service Award in 2006 from then-Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty and then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. (UPI photo via Newscom)

David Margolis (center) accepting an award from then-Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty (left) and then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, both of whom later resigned over the U.S. Attorneys firing scandal. (Newscom)

The Margolis memorandum, issued more than five years after OPR began its investigation, was in accord with OPR's conclusion that Yoo and Bybee's work on legal justifications for the brutal interrogation techniques was flawed...
by releasing the memorandum and the accompanying OPR reports, Margolis "essentially made a bar referral without making a bar referral." Margolis invited others to pick up where he left off, writing, "OPR's findings and my decision are less important than the public's ability to make its own judgment."

see The Institutionalist

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