Obama's detention policy: "Bush with a smile"

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"more humane conditions at Guantánamo reflect the path the Obama administration has chosen to take on national security -embracing Bush-era policies with minor substantive changes and a dramatic change in tone. This is Bush with a smile... While torture and inhumane treatment at Guantánamo have been banned by Obama's executive order, the defining injustice of Gitmo -- the indefinite imprisonment of individuals without trial or charge -- remains. 

Omar Khadr at a hearing at the U.S. Military Commissions court for war crimes, at the U.S. Naval Base, in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in a court sketch.

Omar Khadr today, from a court sketch. Captured at age 15, Omar has spent nearly 8 years at Guantanamo. Photograph by Janet Hamlin, AFP/Getty Images

Initial hearings in the case of Canadian national Omar Khadr begin next week. Watch The Washington Independent for coverage of Obama era military commissions. An observer from Amnesty International Canada will also be reporting here.

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