good news: Yoo cohort and former dean of Chapman Law fails in bid for CA attorney general

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John Eastman--the former Chapman University law school dean whose most famous education maneuver was bringing his pal and disgraced Bush torture memo author John Yoo to the private Orange institution to pollute future legal minds and defend himself--wanted to dupe voters by being listed as "assistant attorney general" or "special assistant attorney general" in campaign materials and on the June 8 Republican primary ballot. - OC Weekly

"And so while my campaign for Attorney General ends this morning, the campaign for our agenda does not.  We must restore feudalism federalism, fight unconstitutional pension spikes, fight illegal immigration, protect marriage, defend small businesses from excessive regulation and litigation, and; comprehensively, restore the constitutional limits on government, to bring our state back." - John Eastman

photo by Christopher Victorio 

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This page contains a single entry published on June 9, 2010 11:35 AM.

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