Bagram's Parwan Detention Facility up and running

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PHOTO The United States tried to turn a page on its controversial detention policy today, facilitating the first trial of detainees held in an American detention facility after more than eight years of war--at the new Parwan Detention Facility.
A U.S. soldier talks to reporters at a new detention center at the U.S. Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul in this Nov. 15, 2009 file photo. The United States tried to turn a page on its controversial detention policy today, facilitating the first trial of detainees held in an American detention facility after more than eight years of war--at the new Parwan Detention Facility.
(Jonathon Burch /Reuters)

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This page contains a single entry published on June 9, 2010 10:23 AM.

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