Torture comes home (not that it ever left)

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Jail Jon Burge Committee sees results:
Jury Convicts Chicago Police Commander for Lying About Torture
Democracy Now! report includes video of the emotional response from one of the victims 


Decades after torture allegations were first leveled against former Chicago police commander Jon Burge, a federal jury has found him guilty of lying about torturing prisoners into making confessions. Burge has long been accused of overseeing the systematic torture of more than 100 African American men. Two years ago federal prosecutors finally brought charges against Burge--not for torture, but for lying about it. On Monday afternoon, after a five-week trial, Jon Burge was found guilty on all counts of perjury and obstruction of justice for lying about the abuse. He could face up to forty-five years in prison.

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This page contains a single entry published on June 29, 2010 12:53 PM.

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