Torturers in the classroom

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What kind of intellectual environment has produced this kind of thinking? 
- David Sylvester

On May 8, 2010 the University of St. Thomas Law School held its graduation at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis. Attendees walked past demonstrators calling for the school administration to relieve professor Delahunty of his teaching responsibilities. (Robert Delahunty co-authored, with John Yoo, some of the early memos that served as cornerstones to "legalize" the Bush Administration's orders to torture.) 

The protest focused on the actions of professor Robert Delahunty, pictured above, who walked quickly by and did not seem happy to be reminded of his past.

Without a full investigation, including the writing of the OLC memos that attempted to provide legal cover and protect those who ordered as well as those who practiced torture, such illegal human rights abuses are bound to reoccur. Without any accountability, it appears that law professors like Yoo and Delahunty continue to still teach their same discredited theories of presidential "war powers". 

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This page contains a single entry published on June 29, 2010 9:47 AM.

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