Yoo Watch San Francisco

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A much better photo and article here... thanks Jan!


July 22: Its no secret -- Torture is a war crime

United Irish Cultural Center, 2700 45th Avenue, San Francisco 

The Association of Former Intelligence Officers Jim Quesada Chapter hosted John Yoo, former deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice, where he wrote the Torture Memos.

Closed to the public, World Can't Wait wondered what was being presented inside. But not too hard; the handful going in looked harmless enough. Not much of a gig from what we could see. But then, how do old spies entertain themselves? Paying to listen to discredited bombast just seems kind of sad. 

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This page contains a single entry published on July 22, 2010 8:58 AM.

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