"we must not be bystanders" to U.S. directed torture

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Pavel Horejsi for The New York Times
A Casa 235 about to take off from Ruzyne Airport in Prague on a flight to Afghanistan operated by CIA-connected Aero Contractors

In North Carolina, a tenacious grassroots coalition of peace and human rights activists, religious groups, and courageous locals has organized as NC Stop Torture Now (NC-STN). According to the group, "Officials of the Bush Administration used North Carolina as a key part of their secret off-shore torture program." The "torture taxi" planes were based in Johnston and Lenoir counties. Their pilots and crews work for Aero Contractors, a CIA linked company headquartered at the Johnston County airport in Smithfield, a town of less than 12,000 persons situated in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina about 30 miles east of Raleigh...

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