The truth about instructor John Yoo

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Why this War Criminal must be prevented from teaching Constitutional Law

A community speaks out, demands accountability
UC Berkeley Law (Boalt Hall) steps
Monday August 16, 2010

World Can't Wait, Fire John, Progressive Democrats of America, the National Lawyers Guild's Committee Against Torture, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, the National Accountability Network, Code Pink, and other human rights and legal community speakers held a NOON PRESS CONFERENCE followed by a public nonviolent protest procession. Media coverage here.

If you missed the speak-out, please consider a donation to help continue the work of removing war criminals from our classrooms (make checks payable to: "World Can't Wait SF" Mail to: 2940 16th Street, Room 200-6, San Francisco, CA 94103 and write "accountability" on subject line of your check so it goes to the right place). And, start thinking of ways to participate in the "Berkeley Says NO To Torture" Week, October 10 thru 16.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on August 15, 2010 9:47 AM.

the duty to report violations of the Geneva Conventions and war crimes, including killing civilians, torture, reprisals, and executions was the previous entry in this blog.

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