Bybee too

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while [Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge] Bybee concludes that simulated drowning of prisoners was perfectly lawful (a position repudiated even by the Bush Justice Department before it left), he concludes that leaving a bottle of water for a person stranded in a desert so as to forestall death is a crime. -- Scott Horton

In this Aug. 5, 2010, photo, NoMoreDeaths volunteer Katie Maloney checks water jugs at the group's camp before heading out to supply water stations for illegal immigrants near Arivaca, Ariz., about 13 miles north of Mexico. At 59 deaths, July 2010 was the second-deadliest month for border-crossers in Arizona - second only to July 2005, when 68 bodies were found.

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This page contains a single entry published on September 4, 2010 12:18 PM.

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