Support Berkeley's Stand Against Torture

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Resolution Passed by the Berkeley City Council declares Oct. 10-16, 2010 as "Berkeley Says NO To Torture Week"

Drawing together the actions of many communities - political, legal and campus groups, notable voices from the worlds of culture and art, the health professions, and from religious faiths across the board, people of all ages and walks of life will take part in a memorable week of conscience and community in action against the crime of torture.

Checks for donations in any amount, or to reserve your all-week $100 Guest Pass for all public events, can be mailed to Week Against Torture, 2140 Shattuck Ave. Suite 207, Berkeley, CA 94704.
Write check out to NLGSF [National Lawyers Guild SF Chapter] with"No Torture" in the memo line.

Organizers are grateful for Fernando Botero's statement of support for the Week (this internationally acclaimed artist offers a powerful vision of the atrocities of torture in the 56 paintings and drawings of The Abu Ghraib Series, his extraordinary gift to the permanent collection of the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive).

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This page contains a single entry published on October 7, 2010 4:45 PM.

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