"crossing the Rubicon": the death of Posse Comitatus

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Thanks to an October 2001 opinion by John Yoo and Robert J. Delahunty,  the legal floodgates were opened to implementation of martial law, evidenced by transformation of the Coast Guard from a federal policing agency into a domestic military force:


Earlier this month, the United States Coast Guard upheld its self-declared status as a 'special' branch of the military with the ability to prosecute civilians in military tribunals. This startling declaration, unreported in the media, came in a Decision on Appeal related to the case of Lieutenant Eric Shine, a commissioned Naval officer in the Merchant Marines and a graduate of Kings Point Military Service Academy, and was penned by the Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard...

Download an interview with Eric Shine about his case, the Coast Guard and the open implementation of martial law here

Photo c/o Global Research

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This page contains a single entry published on October 27, 2010 11:59 AM.

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