UC Berkeley redefined "academic freedom" to protect torturer

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Plastered on poles along Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley near Sproul Plaza are posters exclaiming "John Yoo -- War Criminal." Yoo, of course, was the prime legal enabler of torture in the Justice Department of President George Bush, and now teaches at Cal's Boalt Hall School of Law. Given the most recent torture revelations by WikiLeaks, and the shameful mainstream media responses to them, I am proud of whoever put those posters up... - Jay Youngdahl, East Bay Express 

Thanks to the concerted effort of activists like George (pictured), this blog's sponsor continues to meet the need for an independent, mass, political movement to confront the crimes of our government, including the cruelty advanced by the likes of Berkeley's own torture advocate, John Yoo. 

Give Sustenance to a Movement with Substance & Heart: The World Can't Wait!

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This page contains a single entry published on November 3, 2010 12:59 PM.

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