Yoo Watch

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Friday November 19
The Renaissance Mayflower Hotel
1127 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, District of Columbia

(202) 347-3000

International: America as Hegemon and International Law

3:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

  • Prof. Barry E. Carter, Director, Center for Transnational Business and the Law, Georgetown University Law Center

  • Prof. John O. McGinnis, Stanford Clinton Sr. and Zylpha Kilbride Clinton Research Professor, Northwestern University School of Law
  • Prof. Margaret E. McGuinness, Saint John's University School of Law
  • Prof. Ruth Wedgwood, Edward B. Burling Professor of International Law and Diplomacy, Director of the International Law and Organizations Program, Johns Hopkins University, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
  • Prof. John C. Yoo, University of California, Berkeley School of Law
  • Moderator:  Hon. Michael Chertoff, Senior of Counsel, Covington & Burling LLP, former Secretary, United States Department of Homeland Security

Palm Beach, FL: David Horowitz's "Restoration Weekend"

The Beakers Hotel

November 18 - 21

confirmed speakers are: 

Newt Gingrich, David Horowitz, Liz Cheney, Ann Coulter, Andrew Klavan, Robert Spencer, Frank Gaffney, 

Monica Crowley, John Yoo, Marc Thiessen, Michael Barone, Ralph Peters, Caroline Glick, Pastor John Hagee, 

Rob Pollock, Fred Barnes, Senator Jeff Sessions, Congressmen Ed Royce and Steven King, Emmett Tyrrell, 

Bill Gertz, Doug Schoen, Ron Radosh, Steven Moore, Arizona State Senators Russell Pearce and Thayer 

Verschoor, Mark Krikorian, S.E. Cupp, Lee Smith, General Paul Vallely, Congresswoman Michele 

Bachmann, Fred Barnes and Pat Caddell. 

Each year, as a part of this event, we honor the troops and their families. This year we will be joined by 

representatives from the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, inlucing Colonel John Carney, Dr. Jim Lewis, 

Country music star and former Army Ranger Keni Thomas and a keynote by former Army Chief of Staff General 

Peter Schoomaker. 

We will have many more to announce in the coming weeks! 

For more information, contact Michael Finch at (818) 849-3470 x212 or mfinch@horowitzfreedomcenter.org.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry published on November 15, 2010 1:13 AM.

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new Amnesty International report on torture complicity is the next entry in this blog.

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