TORTUREWATCH: UC Rejects Students' Complaint About Yoo

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c/o National Lawyers Guild Torture Working Group*:

John Yoo remains enshrined [at] one of the nation's premier legal schools, Boalt Hall at U.C. Berkeley.  Over a year ago, the Boalt Alliance to Abolish Torture sent a letter to the University expressing its concerns about allowing torture-enabler Yoo to remain as faculty at Boalt.  The University finally responded, finding that Yoo's behavior does not violate the "ethical principals" of the University.

read letter here

* The Torture Accountability Working Group is a new subcommittee of the National Lawyers Guild International Committee. It focuses on achieving accountability for torture perpetrated or supported by U.S. officials, in the "War on Terrorism" or at home, in policing and incarceration. Tactically, its current focus is raising awareness through reports, media and events of roadblocks to achieving accountability at the state and local level. The Working Group met at the September 2010 National Lawyers Guild Convention in New Orleans.

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