On the ninth anniversary of Guantanamo, a circle of "detainees" in jumpsuits and hoods stood silently in witness - as the names of the 173 detainees* still being held at Guantanamo (including Abdelrazak Ali Abdelrahman, represented by our friend Candace Gorman) were read aloud.
Journalist Elaine Pasquini and photographer Phil Pasquini captured the action:
Local Activists Protest Guantanamo Bay

source: SFNewsfeed.us
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (1/11)- On January 11, human rights activists held a protest inside the James R. Browning United States Courthouse, calling for the closure of the U.S.-run prison at Guantanamo Bay and an end to torture and other inhumane practices.
"Today is the ninth anniversary of the opening of the illegal, immoral prison at Guantanamo Bay set up under the Bush-Cheney regime and continuing now under the Obama administration," World Can't Wait member Stephanie Tang told the small crowd gathered inside the marble entryway of the federal building. "Failing to fulfill the executive order he signed at the start of his administration, President Obama has continued indefinite detention, blocking accountability for torture both by refusing to conduct independent and thorough investigations and by attempting to prevent the courts from reviewing lawsuits brought by formerly detained men." A lawsuit against San Jose-Based Jeppesen Dataplan, Inc. by plaintiffs Binyam Mohamed, Abou Elkassim Britel, Ahmed Agiza, Mohamed Farag Ahmad Bashmilah and Bisheral-Rawi is one case blocked by both the Bush and Obama administrations fromproceeding to justice. In December the five plaintiffs petitioned the U.S Supreme Court to review their case.
In addition to The World Can't Wait, hundred of other organizations, including Amnesty International and the Center for Constitutional Rights, called on the Obama administration to recommit to rapidly closing Guantanamo and to acknowledge that many of the prisoners were detained in error. In addition, the groups demand the prisoners be either charged or released and that the government abandon plans for indefinite detention. The Obamaadministration has declared it will hold some 50 of the men indefinitely without charge or trial and to formalize indefinite detention through an executive order.
In closing, seven human rights activists, dressed in orange jumpsuits and black hoods, read the names of the 173 detainees still incarcerated in the controversial site.
-Phil & Elaine Pasquini
photo © Phil Pasquini all rights reserved worldwide
video of DC action here
*NOTE: the following names include the 173 detainees still at Guantanamo, plus another 6 who have been relocated to other prisons (government withholding identification):
 Shaker Aamer
Yusef Abbas
Mahmoud Abd al Aziz Abd al Mujahid
Allal Ab Aljallil Abd al Rahman
Muieen A Deen Jamal A Deen Abd al Fusal Abd al
Abd al Malik Abd al Wahab
Abdelrazak Ali Abdelrahman
Omar Hamzayavich Abdulayev
Hajiakbar Abdulghupur
Omar Khalifa Mohammed Abu Bakr
Mohammed Rajab Sadiq Abu Ghanim
Abdul Rabbani Abd al Rahim Abu Rahman
Omar Said Salem Adayn
Haroon al Afghani
Muhammad Rahim al Afghani
Ahmed Adnan Ahjam
Majid Mahmud Abdu Ahmad
Abdul Rahman Ahmed
Fahmi Abdullah Ahmed
Abu Bakr Ibn Ali Muhhammad Alahdal
Moath Hamza Ahmed al Alwi
Abd al Aziz Ali
Djamel Saiid Ali Ameziane
Muhammad Ahmad Abdallah al Ansi
Jalal Salam Awad Awad
Waqas Mohammed Ali Awad
Fouzi Khalid Abdullah al Awda
Saad Masir Mukbl Al Azani
Ahamed Abdel Aziz
Tarek Ali Abdullah Ahmed Baada
Ali Hamza Ahmad Suliman al Bahlul
Ismael Ali Farag al Bakush
Sufyian Barhoumi
Abdul Khaled Ahmed Sahleh al Bedani
Ahmed Bin Saleh Bel Bacha
Bensayah Belkacem
Ghaleb Nassar al Bihani
Tolfiq Nassar Ahmed al Bihani
Ramzi Bin al Shibh
Lotfi Bin Ali
Mahmmoud Omar Mohammed Bin Atef
Hassan Mohammed Ali Bin Attash
Walid Bin Attash
Abdul Haddi Bin Hadiddi
Zahar Omar Hamis Bin Hamdoun
Muhhammad Said Bin Salem
Adil Said al Haj Obeid al Busayss
Mohammed Ali Abdullah Bwazir
Shawki Awad Balzuhair
Ahmed Muhammed Haza al Darbi
Khalid Mohammed Salih al Dhuby
Jihad Ahmed Mujstafa Diyab
Gouled Hassan Dourad
Mohammed Ahmad Said al Edah
Abd al Hadi Omar Mahmoud Faraj
Mullah Mohammad Fazl
Abdul Ghani
Fahed Abdullah Ahmad Ghazi
Salem Abdul Salem Ghereby
Awal Gul
Khi Ali Gul
Salem Ahmed Hadi
Nabil Hadjarab
Mohammed Ahmed Said Haidel
Abdel Ghalib Ahmad Hakim
Hambali (Riduan Isamuddin)
Ali Sher Hamidullah
Mohammed Abdullah al Hamiri
Emad Abdalla Hassan
Said Muhammed Salih Hatim
Mustafa Ahmed al Hawsawi
Ahmed Umar Abdullah al Hikimi
Abdul al Salam al Hilal
Fadil Husayn Salih Hintif
Adel Bin Ahmed Bin Ibrahim Hkiml
Ibrahim Othman Ibrahim Idris
Abd al Hadi al Iraqi
Yasin Qasem Muhammad Ismail
Saeed Ahmed Mohammed Abdullah Sarem Jarabh
Mohammed Kamin
Faiz Mohammed Ahmed al Kandari
Bostan Karim
Kamalludin Kasimbekov
Sanad Yislam al Kazimi
Omar Ahmed Khadr
Khirullah Said Wali Khairkhwa
Majid Khan
Shawali Khan
Asim Thahit Abdullah al Khalaqi
Saidullah Khalik
Muhammed Ali Hussein Khnenah
Mohammed Nasir Yahya Khusruf
Abu Faraj al Libbi
Lillie (Mohammed Nazir Bin Lep)
Musab Omar Ali al Madoonee
Bashir Nasir Ali al Marwalah
Sharaf Ahmad Muhammad Masud
Hail Aziz Ahmad al Maythal
Abdul Malik
Ravil Mingazov
Ahmed Mohamed
Haji Wali Mohammed
Hussein Salem Mohammed
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed
Samir Naji al Hasan Moqbel
Abdel Qadir Hussein al Mudhaffari
Abd al Rahman Abdullah Ali Muhammad
Noor Uthman Muhammed
Sulaiman Awath Sulaiman Bin Ageel al Nahdi
Said Salih Said Nashir
Abd al Rahim al Nashiri
Abdul Latif Nasir
Jamil Ahmed Said Nassir
Mullah Norullah Noori
Mohammad Nabi Omari
Abdul Bin Mohammed Bin Abess Ourgy
Saifullah Paracha
Khalid Abd Jal Jabbar Muhammad Juthman al Qadasi
Ahmed Abdul Qader
Idris Ahmed Abdu Qader Idris
Jabran Said Wazar al Qahtani
Mohammed al Qahtani
Said Muhammad Husyan Qahtani
Khaled Qasim
Mansoor Muhammed Ali Qattaa
Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi
Sabri Mohammed Ebrahim al Qurashi
Mahrar Rafat al Quwari
Abdul Rahman Umir Al Qyati
Mohammed Ahmad Ghulam Rabbani
Salman Yahya Hassan Mohammed Rabeii
Ali Ahmad Muhammad al Rahizi
Ali Yahya Mahdi al Raimi
Omar Mohammed Ali al Rammah
Abdul Razak
Mashur Abdallah Muqbil Ahmed al Sabri
Ahmed Yaslam Said Kuman
Mohammed Ahmed Salam
Fahmi Salem Said al Sani
Tariq Mahmoud Ahmed al Sawah
Mutij Sadiz Ahmad Sayab
Abdul al Saleh
Ayoub Murshid Ali Saleh
Abdul Rahman Mohamed Saleh Naser
Mohammed Ali Salem al Zarnuki
Ali Husein Shaaban
Abdul Rahman Shalabi
Abdullah Yahia Yousf al Shabli
Mustafa Abdul Qawi Abdul Aziz al Shamyri
Zuhail Abdo Anam Said al Sharabi
Ghassan Abdullah al Sharbi
Abdu Ali al Haji Sharqawi
Yunis Abdurrahman Shokuri
Mohammad al Rahman al Shumrani
Abdul al Razzaq Muhammad Salih
Mohamedou Ould Slahi
Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti
Mohammed Mustafa Sohail
Abdul Aziz Abdullah Ali al Suadi
Abdul Rahman Abdul Abu Ghityh Sulayman
Fayiz Ahmad Yahia Suleiman
Ashraf Salim Abd al Salam Sultan
Mohammed Abdullah Tahamuttan
Uthman Abdul Rahim Mohammed Uthman
Hamoud Abdullah Hamoud Hassan al Wady
Muktar Yahya Najee al Warafi
Abdul Haq Wasiq
al Khadr Abdallah Muhammed al Yafi
Ridah Bin Saleh al Yazidi
Slah Muhamed Salih al Zabe
Abdul Zahir
Mohommod Zahir
Muhammed Murdi Issa al Zahrani
Walid Said Bin Said Zaid
Zubair (Mohd Farik Bin Amin)
Abu Zubaydah    Â