Dean's letter below, comments posted here
1/10/11 (corrected)Â
I cosigned a letter to the UC President Mark Yudof and the Regents concerning pension benefits whichÂ
has generated a great deal of concern, anger, and confusion. My reasoning will leave many peopleÂ
unsatisfied, but I nevertheless owe you a careful explanation. First, some background. (You may wantÂ
to skip these details.)Â
Benefits in UC's retirement plan depend on (1) length of service and (2) the three highest-salary yearsÂ
(typically the years just before retirement). To get 100% of your salary in retirement, you must serve 40Â
years and be over age 60. An IRS regulation, however, provides that the amount included in thatÂ
highest-salary calculation is capped, currently at $245,000. The IRS has discretion to lift that cap, andÂ
typically does so for non-profit organizations, where deferred compensation tax gimmicks or abuses areÂ
rare. In 1999, UC officials promised to seek that waiver, which the IRS finally granted in 2007. UC hasÂ
never implemented it. Â
The overall UC pension problems were created largely by the Regents' decision 18 years ago to eliminateÂ
employee contributions to the plan, which had generous balances at the time, coupled with their failureÂ
to reinstitute those contributions when the ink turned red early in the new century. So, in the fall ofÂ
2009, President Yudof ordered senior UC officials to conduct a detailed review and propose reforms. Â
The Regents discussed the resulting proposal in November 2010, and planned to act at their DecemberÂ
2010 meeting. Among other reforms, employees started again contributing to their pensions last spring,Â
with higher paid folks, of course, contributing more. (Currently, California contributes nothing, but doesÂ
contribute to pensions in the California State University and Community College systems.) Â Tucked awayÂ
in the review document was a proposal to "undo" the 1999 commitment to lift the $245,000 cap. Â
Whether that commitment had contractual force is what I would call a "nice" legal question. It'sÂ
Meanwhile, a year ago and shortly after the pension reform study began, a group of administratorsÂ
wrote a letter to the UC Office of the President pointing out that the commitment to lift the cap had notÂ
been implemented. The letter, which I cosigned, stated that doing so is an important part of offering theÂ
competitive compensation packages that help us hire and retain the faculty and executives required byÂ
the "excellence" component of UC's mission. There were further discussions, not including me, but toÂ
no avail. Therefore, as final Regental action drew near and because UCOP officials requested a formalÂ
document, an expanded group sent the most recent letter, which I signed at the request of UCLAÂ
colleagues. The most numerous and energetic people have been from UC's five medical centers. TheÂ
letter was volunteered to a San Francisco Chronicle reporter by a leader of the UC faculty senate, not byÂ
one of the signers, nor by a UCOP official. Of course, as a public document, UCOP would have providedÂ
the letter if anyone requested it.Â
The letter effectively caused the Regents to defer action on the "salary cap" issue until their March 2011Â
meeting. A few days later, a media brouhaha ensued. President Yudof and Regents Chair Russ GouldÂ
issued a statement that implementing the 1999 commitment to lift the cap is not required as a matter ofÂ
contract law, and should not be honored in light of our budget circumstances. Â
My ReasoningÂ
On the policy merits, my view in December 2010 was the same as my view in January 2010, when IÂ
cosigned the first letter to the pension study group. I have spent almost seven years battling successfullyÂ
to hire and retain the best possible faculty and the strongest possible administrative team. It is the mostÂ
difficult, satisfying, painful part of my job. My experience has made me absolutelyÂ
certain that paying competitive total compensation is necessary (though not alone sufficient) if we wantÂ
to sustain excellence. If Boalt and Berkeley had not been interested in that excellence, I--like mostÂ
faculty and students--would not have come.Â
Within a few short years, approximately 50 Berkeley faculty will be affected by the cap, concentrated inÂ
Business, Economics, and Law. The same pattern exists at UCLA, plus their world renowned MedicalÂ
Center. Across UC's ten campuses, I am told there are about 450 affected individuals, overwhelminglyÂ
faculty or faculty who, like I, are serving temporarily as administrators. More will be affected as salariesÂ
rise competitively.Â
 Some deans report the signal that UC may not keep its promises is already having a chillingÂ
impact on recruitment and retention of faculty and top administrators. The issue comes upÂ
in every single recruitment conversation I have with a faculty candidate, and the expectedÂ
round of new state budget cuts can only make things worse.Â
 Why did I sign the December 2010 letter? Simply put, I believe in the institutional principleÂ
at stake and, therefore, I felt that the honorable thing to do was join others in stating myÂ
position and taking the criticism. I'd probably do the same thing again, but lose more sleepÂ
 The politics are awful, and yes, the timing is terrible. But the timing was driven by theÂ
Regents' schedule, not us. The timing of the voluntary disclosure, without any context, wasÂ
driven by a leader of the faculty senate, not us. As for politics, the real story here is that theÂ
UC leadership has the pension claim, demonstrating commendable frugality. If IÂ
were in President Mark Yudof's shoes, I would do the same thing he has done, at least untilÂ
the budget environment improves; Yudof job is different from mine, with more control overÂ
the timing of policy choices, and the wherewithal to develop alternatives to protect ourÂ
competitiveness. Ultimately, however, making this investment in competitiveÂ
compensation is a fight about of the UC budget--even less afterÂ
employee contributions.Â
 The fight is also about something else. Many UC practices necessary to its mission areÂ
unpopular with newspaper editorial boards and with much of the general public. There areÂ
circumstances--one must debate which--when UC leaders have a responsibility to defendÂ
those policies and publicly explain themselves, even when disapproval is inevitable. YouÂ
expect and receive criticism and even protests because these choices are inescapablyÂ
difficult. Â
 But it is what it is. I suppose some members of the public object to competitive salariesÂ
because they (correctly) believe that professors are privileged, or (incorrectly) believe thatÂ
working at a "public" institution should have a component of voluntarism. They may thinkÂ
that the luminous public mission and the personal satisfactions we faculty and staff deriveÂ
from it will help pay the rent or mortgage, the childcare or tuition, our healthcare orÂ
retirement security. Some may even believe that the cost of educating students should beÂ
subsidized not only by taxpayers and alumni, but also by employees, or at least someÂ
 I think that a certain amount of controversy is necessary because excellence always meansÂ
exceptional. Most of the public would probably oppose tenure, sabbatical leaves, supportÂ
for basic research, admitting out-of-state or foreign students, and below-market tuition forÂ
students heading for elite careers in business or law. And, as I've discovered and BerkeleyÂ
has experienced, much of the public doesn't care about academic freedom. UC leadersÂ
must be prepared to defend these policies despite their unpopularity and have almostÂ
always done so.Â
As a result of the financial crisis, everyone at Berkeley and across the UC system has made sacrifices,Â
with more to come. Students have seen sharp tuition increases. (Sharp tuition hikes specific to BoaltÂ
predate the immediate crisis, and are primarily to offset years of steadily declining state support andÂ
historically limited alumni donations.)Â Employees have suffered layoffs, salary freezes, increasedÂ
workloads, furloughs, pay cuts, deteriorating working conditions, and more. Most of us are about toÂ
take a reduction in our monthly paychecks to help fix the pension problem. Â
The faculty and administrators who signed the pension letter are personally prepared to continueÂ
making sacrifices; there are many possibilities for compromise, now or later. But retirement security isÂ
especially sensitive, especially those of us in advanced middle age. So, yes, many of the letter'sÂ
signatories also have a personal financial stake, and stating that in our letter was tactically important inÂ
case there is litigation. Apart from the disputed legalities, however, the issue is an important one ofÂ
policy and principle for the University.Â
Meanwhile, our law school continues to make forward progress on several fronts, including facultyÂ
hiring, support for students pursuing public interest careers, and the nearly-completed construction andÂ
renovation projects. The newly renovated first floor corridor and classrooms opened for business thisÂ
week, and the smiles I see are gratifying beyond words. Many people, led by Associate Dean KathleenÂ
Vanden Heuvel, have labored to make this happen, literally . Neither the state nor the BerkeleyÂ
campus provided funds for these improvements. It was students, alumni and friends.Â
Finally, returning to the pension controversy, I'm not surprised by the comments from the generalÂ
public, nor from several faculty across campus--some of whom who think nothing of spending $2Â
million to renovate laboratory space for a new assistant professor but resent Berkeley Law School tryingÂ
to compete with NYU or Chicago or Virginia in compensation. I expect all of that. Â
I can't help but be dismayed, however, by the remarkably ugly tone of some blog postings and emailsÂ
authored within the Boalt community. Of course there will be grumbling and even opposition to someÂ
of the things I'm trying to do to move Berkeley Law forward. Clearly, however, I have not done all I canÂ
and must to explain and persuade. If you've read this far, I thank you for letting me try.Â