Guantánamo means Torture...

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Guantánamo means Rendition.  Guantánamo means Indefinite Detention Without Trial.

Two weeks from now on January 11, the TENTH YEAR of the horrors at  Guantánamo will begin -- refreshed and underscored by the Obama administration and Congress's NEW moves to insure it all remains permanent.

GuantanamoBarbedWire.jpgOn January 11, World Can't Wait will be in Washington D.C. with Witness Against Torture, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and other activists who won't let this issue go, no matter who the president is, or what the promises are.  Join us there to make visible resistance and protest with a rally outside the White House, a "prisoner procession" to the Justice Department, and then non-violent direct action.

Here in the Bay Area, we're mobilizing for a public demonstration in San Francisco. Help us make plans for this and other 2011 events:

Sunday, January 9, 2:30 to 4:30 PM
Mechanics Library, 57 Post Street
, San Francisco

Guantánamo, and the whole torture regime that brought it, must be ended!

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This page contains a single entry published on January 3, 2011 4:42 PM.

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