Obama = Bush = Torture

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275px-Mohammad_Iqbal.JPG"There are a lot of times I start to cry. I still feel like I am in Guantanamo," he says, his voice cracking and hands trembling. "I have memorized the torture. I wake up in the middle of the night screaming. - Saad Iqbal Madni

President Barack Obama, desperate to keep his campaign promise to reduce the prison population and eventually close the facility, has strong-armed allies to take former prisoners in, according to secret diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks...

Back home in Pakistan Madni's ordeal is still not over. He remains under house arrest and needs permission from security officials to leave home and meet with people, even with his own sister.

Obama administration policies of indefinite detention, forced expatriation and now, a return to military commissions, represent expansion and legalization of the very Bush era crimes that the "new" President pledged to stop.

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This page contains a single entry published on January 19, 2011 3:46 PM.

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