March 1 deadline for Guantanamo case

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MADRID, c/o the Morningstar: 
European Pressphoto Agency

In a National Court writ, Judge Eloy Velasco said the U.S. government must promptly state whether alleged human rights abuses in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp during the George W. Bush administration are being probed by U.S attorneys. In the absence of a positive response, he will decide whether Spanish courts must take on the lawsuit against former U.S. General Attorney Alberto Gonzales,John Yoo--author of the so-called "torture memos" on interrogation techniques--and David Addington, formerly a chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, as well as three others.

In the writ, the judge said he requested information on any Guantanamo probes in 2009 and 2010 and he hasn't yet received a response. He also called on the plaintiff, a little-known Spanish association in defense of jail inmates' rights, to provide evidence that three former Guantanamo inmates, Hamed Abderraham Ahmed, Reswad Abdulsam and Lahcen Ikassrien, are Spanish citizens as claimed in the lawsuit...

A letter in support of action has been presented to the 
Spanish Embassy, video here

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