Mubarak: One Torturer GONE

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"Watching the delirious celebrations in Egypt, and spreading to cities across the region, and the world, you've got to feel the joy.  A hated dictator, who until a month or so ago held unchallengeable power, is gone, relatively quickly, through the action of people in the streets.  Standing up to the police state, the open on-the-street killing of protesters, the jailing and torture of 10,000 political prisoners as S.O.P., Egyptian youth have opened something up which is doubtless making other repressive governments nervous...

Where this all will go we can't know.  But never tell me, again, that protest 'doesn't do any good'. People used to ask, when we began World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime, 'what does that mean? drive out?' The last 3 weeks provide a stunning example.  Received via Twitter: 'ya'll know we could have done this w/ Pres Bush right?? it's not too late to end the war & torture. world can't wait' - Debra Sweet

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This page contains a single entry published on February 11, 2011 1:41 PM.

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