More Damaging Than Abu Ghraib?

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Soldiers Took Photos, Trophies from Murdered Afghan Civilians
It's the most despicable act of sadistic voyeurism by the US Military since the pictures from Abu Ghraib surfaced. The Guardian reports that 12 soldiers currently facing trial for senseless murders of Afghan civilians took more than 4000 photographs of their actions, including shots of themselves posing with the dead as though they were hunting trophies...

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This page contains a single entry published on April 2, 2011 3:23 PM.

"enemy creep" is Guantanamo-izing America was the previous entry in this blog.

Thanks to Steven Reisner: this week, the New York state Supreme Court will hear the case against John Leso, a psychologist who is accused of participating in torture at the Gitmo prison camp that Obama pledged, and failed, to close is the next entry in this blog.

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