must-see highlights from last week's actions

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Saturday, April 9 Code Pink and World Can't Wait disrupted champion protagonist for 
aggressive war and torture Condoleezza "this is your baby -- go do it" Rice. The 
former National Security Advisor was delivering a keynote speech to the National 
School Boards Conference at Moscone Center in San Francisco. Captured on the 
big screen televisions on either side of the speaker, Rice was reduced to platitudes for 
the "democracy" absent in Iraq.

This intervention in America's torture program followed denunciation of another Bay Area
War Criminal (John Yoo) on Tuesday; see "We Interrupt this Torture Program" below. 
Together, these actions provide fine examples for confronting the true terrorists in our 
midst, especially hangers-on from the Bush Regime.

Video of both actions here ( and 

Up next: Yoo and Condi "do" Stanford

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This page contains a single entry published on April 10, 2011 12:02 PM.

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